Running Strategy
Glass poker aces.
My heart beats so strong, everyone should be able to listen to my beats around. Adrenaline is rising through my body – as if swallowed five cups of coffee. You can not sit still. Stop. Concentrate. With eyes closed, breathe slowly, wait, exhale. Feel the oxygen from reaching the fingers and toes. Slow heart rate. Quiet legs. At the start of the race or in a chair waiting for the tournament, the first cards to do is the same feeling. I ran a 10k last saturday. Not to start a 10k race ten kilometers (6.2 miles) is. The similarities between a career and play in a poker tournament, I thought of the miles between the start and the ultimate goal.
After an eternity (eternity, if they fit within 60 seconds) of starting material the speaker goes over time. The need to screw it up is almost overwhelming, that the package of a jump in a slow wave. “- Can not find your own pace to go six miles – haste makes waste.. Take your time,” a look at the corner of my first two letters, I close my eyes and breathe deeply before the noise drown itself. After five minutes, I’ll find my rhythm and be able to focus, of course. Soon subsidies adrenaline. The tension in the shoulders of my fall, the stress of the day can be. Ski breath and rhythm that I can think of “the sense s removed, and I can play on my way to check focus, make it become a matter of course. My feet are off the ground. The crowd has been diluted. The fastest runners, the records of the direction of the parting line in check. Volunteer lower main street and police believe that the traffic on every corner so that drivers can happen. Like us,
railway crossing flashing lights, bells start ringing and guns down. “I am glad that on this side of the track for that,” I see a driver with me. He told me a story about a career in toledo, where almost all drivers got stuck in a long process, and how angry that makes some of the riders. We laugh and comment on the severity of some of the drivers, when it separated from its target of 5 km. There are a lot of camaraderie in road racing and poker tournaments. Way through a couple of blocks more than one brand of spy miles and a glass table with two young girls filling paper cups with water and gatorade. Seems to arrive early for a drink station. A person who goes to the left side of the street and grabbed a cup. The rest of us in front of the right. The public has been reduced more and I can see a dozen people before me, some alone, some are in pairs. The pavement ends and the hills begin. The hills were long gradual slope of the actual test training. I trained in the hills – I’m ready.
Two mile marker is in sight, and therefore beyond the three mile marker. A driver is on the other side of the road for me. This is amazing – and runs very fast! Fifteen seconds later I see some runners – back quickly realized the numbers start with their shirts. Has to be before a change! Without thinking, I have to speed up my pace – which eventually will have the opportunity to see my friends “quickly” in a race! There are a few waves of friendship and encouragement for the runners who made the change.
Some cars, which obviously does not understand, the road was called by the second for an hour or two – try to sneak into the road. Soak a car, truck and then I have my eye on the runners as they approached. One or two look at me and smiled, their faces unknown to me. My shirt says “I know that” – I smiled, recognizing that they too are poker players. This is cindy! “This in turn is just around the corner,” he said in the air and passes. It is more than half of a mile ahead of me and still going strong.
Is important to work with people better than you, and worse than you to train like a stick and running. Training with experienced runners or players to push through their previous limits and shows its potential. Training with a new tab and keep players new bases. Is easy to forget the importance of a good foundation. If I stay with the multitude of cindy – I’m in my head. He could not be better mentor – it’s very encouraging and stimulating both good and bad days. A few cars and a dozen riders who come later to the response I got was a runner from the opposite direction. My thoughts returned to poker – analyze opponents at the table. What you can double opponent? How I can maximize my chips and minimize risk, with each player? The field had spread and it was time to start to focus on the driver in front of me – a woman who came forward with a slightly slower rate of about 50 meters. She could not keep the pace up the hill, and I picked them up fast enough – even for a short stack is strong to the end in the end.
The next driver was a man in a dark gray t-shirt for almost a quarter of a mile before. It’s hard to catch – he has this effort, I wake up envy and we run the same pace.
Online Learning – The Case for Proactive Management
social, event, roulette, gambling
Presentation high hopes that many people have difficulty learning online is that you can enroll in a course, call your internet service provider and bingo! They are far from being a winner of the melbourne cup. Sounds good, but it’s a long way from reality.
This question I would like to talk with peter and paul, the faculty of a prestigious university distance education in australia. Of course, the names have been changed to protect their privacy (and prevents me from getting into trouble?).
When I enrolled in a top line in the dark days, dark, 1996 technologically register, complete a three or four pages and was sent to the university e-mail. In this phase, the system did not show up with scripting languages ??and forms directly from the website of the university to deal oriented. After several days of watchful waiting, I received a personal email response management at the university said that the expenses were charged to my credit card and I had written. The message was my student id number, password and a link to online learning. I have to go to the start date, said the email and log-in to my personalized homepage. Start login on the procedure went very well. In the screen in front of me had links with the two issues on which I signed. I spent some time exploring all connections, both of which led me, as I expected, a main topic with links to several of my meetings with staff, a list of other registrants in the matter, reading lists , tools, chat room, and some other stuff, like a page from which you had to present their work. My experience began, and even my adulthood, I was very happy to be back in school. I was an adult educator 20 years, so it was not just the content of the subjects that interest me. He was also interested in how the subjects are presented. My first action was to send an email to my professor and classmates that I present. This was driven by the two speakers, and was a positive step, as you would with a number of other interesting people to know he wanted to be known. The responses returned from the u.s., hong kong, japan, new zealand and even australia. Interesting things. More than just a few of the respondents were in adult education, like me, so we had much in common.
After a day I started to e-mails from people asking if I had done, the file of this or that was, I had downloaded in a position to initiate a chat session. It seems that other, less capable either technologically or bad luck that I found difficulties with the technology and have even been difficult to obtain a response from our speakers. Of course, it helped me whenever I could, by email copies of files, suggesting solutions to problems, and so on. And I took mental notes on the experience and finally realized that most of the problems were related to a topic. Why you ask? A week or two later I had my answer. Peter has been managing the delivery of its subject, while paul had abdicated. Management compared abdication as I gained more experience with my online tutorial, I realized that peter was with what might be considered a good practice. Paul was willing to pay on the contrary, even under false pretenses. All jokes about the permanence of the scientists and crew came to mind when I remember my first days in teacher education, which was drilled in classroom management. I thought of many classroom management issues I encountered during my career, including students, the infidels of the girl of inactivity, too talkative, and surprisingly attractive, but I was very young asked to take them to a motel during our lunch hour.
I met when classroom management is important when they are taught in a classroom, should be particularly important if students can not see teaching. And, of course. These are the contrasts.
The first thing to peter after the date of registration has been closed to send a questionnaire to all students in your computer and email systems. At first it seemed useless, but now I know that was what every educator should be online. She was seeking information, help those who may have been at risk because their technique was so old, or failed to comply with its message would be. Those who had not responded within 48 hours, call or fax. Only when he was convinced that everyone could access the technology and participate in the group, continued with our program. When peter sent you will receive a prompt and courteous usually the next day (time zones affect response times, of course). Paul did not bother to check if someone can do something and that is rarely heard from again. He has participated in many temperate climate talks during the semester, but can remain at home. When mailed, it was a fast and too often they have never received any unusual response. Call it was equally disappointing that usually results in a message, you probably will not be answered.
Our chat sessions with peter were much more creative and useful. Before the start of the meeting, peter poses several problems to be solved if we do not waffle. Sometimes you ask a student to deal with certain aspects of the subject. If someone could not attend made sure it was not because they had not received the plan, or system just works. If someone in a chat have been reluctant to participate, would be to build participation.
Has sent a mission to pedro, usually answered within a reasonable time, with the support and comments on how to improve your next application. At day’s end, the difference between the two speakers that peter has been managing his online class, while paul had abdicated its responsibility. His approach seems to swim or sink approach, and I was surprised that he keep his job if this was the best I could do. Conclusion at the end of semester examination, provided that honest feedback on poor performance by paul and praised the efforts of the excellent peter. I am sure that most other students have done the same. Classroom management is essential in all learning environments either face to face or online. I am sure that many of the criticisms of learning, because the sense of isolation and the indifference of students sometimes suffer. Each of us wants to feel that we are important enough to merit the attention of our teachers, especially if you are serious about paying money to attend classes.
Clear message to providers of online learning is that if you do not succeed in all aspects of the process, perhaps your company will fail, because potential customers agree to go somewhere with their teams and the hand that feel they have value for money and is learning.
If you provide e-learning to the best you can do is join one of their programs and see if your experience is in line with the marketing hype. Copyright 2005 robin henry .