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Secrets of Texas Hold ‘Em
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, First when you are tired, angry, drunk or your condition is but the mind focused and sharp, not to play! You will lose money over time. Texas hold ‘em poker requires patience, sharp mind and his eyes fixed.
Now keep in mind that each table has one or two very good players. You should pay attention to these players to find them. If you are a beginner in the game of poker is not looking for a table of some players. That the chances of winning and decreases the more you pay more. Saves you a table, as 10 seats for examble. I prefer the seat 10 0.5 / 1 or 0.25/0.50 no limit tables.
Play at a table do not start aggressively. Just look around and see your friends playing poker. Learn how to play and highlight the players who play well are that from the beginning. A good player does not play all prices, in fact, he / she runs about 90% of his letters and only play with good cards. Focus on them and avoid playing against them, unless you have a strong hand. You can use holdem odd calculator program like holdemspy if you learn to play. We calculated the probability of a good hand on the river and offers when you bet to call, check or fold. You should not blindly follow your suggestions, please use your common sense, but gives a good leader anyway.
Now, in its entirety. Look at the players to play each transaction and the players who think they are lying. But remember, play only good hands. After learning to play, well, you can start learning a bluff from time to time, but the light is telling a different story, so I’m not talking about that now, because it requires skills as well. Good hole cards is 8 or better. Any other trick, even if they agree. Simply, do not bother to play these cards. Exception: you have one thing and another (at 8), check or call but if you have k and the other card is pulling less than 8, then ever. Is it not worth playing. If you have aa, kk or ak, then increase more from the beginning, but keep in mind that you do not bet too little, the idea is to continue to play one or two players. Thus, you have a better chance to beat your opponent.
Conclude from all this, schedule time for yourself, perhaps for several hours. You can not make money in no time. Be patient. Deployment bad cards every time, not in them forever. Take notes from other players: how to play? It’s good, who are poor and so on. Avoid playing against good players. Finally, remember to stop playing when you make money. Do not keep playing and you think you might win a little more…