Italian Poker
turbo sit n go is the answer to the theme park roller pokerdom mountain. It starts a little slow is broken, then to hell. Fortunately, there are a few minutes. Although the trip can be daunting, it is not possible for the next. And so with the turbo. Turbo forces you to immediately solve all sorts of contradictions. It was found that the brakes, but the other foot on the gas. They play constantly with his stack, then double, double, double. If you were a car, which have focused on the clutch before the game was over.
A tournament with nine players on a table, the turbo itself is open, the tenth player. The weight of less than 900 sets of pounds, this gorilla rules. Every hand you play is against their opponents and the gorilla. Finally, the great man to win all but one. It can be said of a tournament. Unless the turbo is far worse than the other.
So it’s a preview of the turbo: fast, furious and unforgiving. Can you win? Of course. Here are seven general guidelines to help you start the game on the right track.
1) If you are a rock, not play. Turbos are not for everyone. So if your style leans toward the conservative, the card game passive, dependent, not play.
Aggression 2) selective compulsory. This is a game for the aggressive player. Who can evaluate the risks against the opportunities stack quickly and accurately. And then take action without hesitation.
3) Most of the time is just the beginning. But just because you play hard, does not mean you can just sit and watch. Its aim is to increase your stack at least 10 to 20% in the first railroads. You should begin to accumulate chips early. Always a step ahead of the blinds is crucial throughout the tournament. Another objective is always at least one half chip stack size. 4) Making money is the ultimate goal.
Sometimes you have an accident on the money, with a pile of hugh. And sometimes, the press through the back door with only a handful. How to play any role. Just get there! Of course, this advice applies to any sit n go is the point, to learn to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. For a moment, you may be attila the hun. The next, you may only need to be a horse of attila. 5) The turbo is ruthless. Are due to the speed, errors are likely. Also, because of its speed, there is little time to recover from these errors. Sorry for the mistake quickly with fast cars and blinds. Turbo rewards both good luck and good judgment. Playing this game you will learn the importance of common sense. 6) The card is dead is no excuse. You must game. Even if you have to play without looking at the cards.
Dominates 7) short-handed.
Most of your game will be a couple of short-handed tables of six or fewer players. You are so adept at short-handed, bubble, in the currency, and the heads up. For a different view of a turbo image of a peaceful mountain stream. (This would be similar to starting orbits.) soon, the current flow faster, with rocks and tree trunks. (Now that have occurred in the interim phase.) the flow is becoming faster and more dangerous. (This condition occurs when you approach the bubble.) the power to punish is a river, rapids and whirlpools. (This article describes the reproduction of the bladder.) suddenly, there is still time, just before the river a waterfall plunges 1,000 feet. (You got cash.) now the furious race starts in the first place. And all this happens in about 40 minutes.
The turbo is a challenge for all abilities. And it will expose all the flaws in his game alone, and in your spirit. Improve with these ideas.
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, First when you are tired, angry, drunk or your condition is but the mind focused and sharp, not to play! You will lose money over time. Texas hold ‘em poker requires patience, sharp mind and his eyes fixed.
Now keep in mind that each table has one or two very good players. You should pay attention to these players to find them. If you are a beginner in the game of poker is not looking for a table of some players. That the chances of winning and decreases the more you pay more. Saves you a table, as 10 seats for examble. I prefer the seat 10 0.5 / 1 or 0.25/0.50 no limit tables.
Play at a table do not start aggressively. Just look around and see your friends playing poker. Learn how to play and highlight the players who play well are that from the beginning. A good player does not play all prices, in fact, he / she runs about 90% of his letters and only play with good cards. Focus on them and avoid playing against them, unless you have a strong hand. You can use holdem odd calculator program like holdemspy if you learn to play. We calculated the probability of a good hand on the river and offers when you bet to call, check or fold. You should not blindly follow your suggestions, please use your common sense, but gives a good leader anyway.
Now, in its entirety. Look at the players to play each transaction and the players who think they are lying. But remember, play only good hands. After learning to play, well, you can start learning a bluff from time to time, but the light is telling a different story, so I’m not talking about that now, because it requires skills as well. Good hole cards is 8 or better. Any other trick, even if they agree. Simply, do not bother to play these cards. Exception: you have one thing and another (at 8), check or call but if you have k and the other card is pulling less than 8, then ever. Is it not worth playing. If you have aa, kk or ak, then increase more from the beginning, but keep in mind that you do not bet too little, the idea is to continue to play one or two players. Thus, you have a better chance to beat your opponent.
Conclude from all this, schedule time for yourself, perhaps for several hours. You can not make money in no time. Be patient. Deployment bad cards every time, not in them forever. Take notes from other players: how to play? It’s good, who are poor and so on. Avoid playing against good players. Finally, remember to stop playing when you make money. Do not keep playing and you think you might win a little more…
]]>Glass poker aces.
My heart beats so strong, everyone should be able to listen to my beats around. Adrenaline is rising through my body – as if swallowed five cups of coffee. You can not sit still. Stop. Concentrate. With eyes closed, breathe slowly, wait, exhale. Feel the oxygen from reaching the fingers and toes. Slow heart rate. Quiet legs. At the start of the race or in a chair waiting for the tournament, the first cards to do is the same feeling. I ran a 10k last saturday. Not to start a 10k race ten kilometers (6.2 miles) is. The similarities between a career and play in a poker tournament, I thought of the miles between the start and the ultimate goal.
After an eternity (eternity, if they fit within 60 seconds) of starting material the speaker goes over time. The need to screw it up is almost overwhelming, that the package of a jump in a slow wave. “- Can not find your own pace to go six miles – haste makes waste.. Take your time,” a look at the corner of my first two letters, I close my eyes and breathe deeply before the noise drown itself. After five minutes, I’ll find my rhythm and be able to focus, of course. Soon subsidies adrenaline. The tension in the shoulders of my fall, the stress of the day can be. Ski breath and rhythm that I can think of “the sense s removed, and I can play on my way to check focus, make it become a matter of course. My feet are off the ground. The crowd has been diluted. The fastest runners, the records of the direction of the parting line in check. Volunteer lower main street and police believe that the traffic on every corner so that drivers can happen. Like us,
railway crossing flashing lights, bells start ringing and guns down. “I am glad that on this side of the track for that,” I see a driver with me. He told me a story about a career in toledo, where almost all drivers got stuck in a long process, and how angry that makes some of the riders. We laugh and comment on the severity of some of the drivers, when it separated from its target of 5 km. There are a lot of camaraderie in road racing and poker tournaments. Way through a couple of blocks more than one brand of spy miles and a glass table with two young girls filling paper cups with water and gatorade. Seems to arrive early for a drink station. A person who goes to the left side of the street and grabbed a cup. The rest of us in front of the right. The public has been reduced more and I can see a dozen people before me, some alone, some are in pairs. The pavement ends and the hills begin. The hills were long gradual slope of the actual test training. I trained in the hills – I’m ready.
Two mile marker is in sight, and therefore beyond the three mile marker. A driver is on the other side of the road for me. This is amazing – and runs very fast! Fifteen seconds later I see some runners – back quickly realized the numbers start with their shirts. Has to be before a change! Without thinking, I have to speed up my pace – which eventually will have the opportunity to see my friends “quickly” in a race! There are a few waves of friendship and encouragement for the runners who made the change.
Some cars, which obviously does not understand, the road was called by the second for an hour or two – try to sneak into the road. Soak a car, truck and then I have my eye on the runners as they approached. One or two look at me and smiled, their faces unknown to me. My shirt says “I know that” – I smiled, recognizing that they too are poker players. This is cindy! “This in turn is just around the corner,” he said in the air and passes. It is more than half of a mile ahead of me and still going strong.
Is important to work with people better than you, and worse than you to train like a stick and running. Training with experienced runners or players to push through their previous limits and shows its potential. Training with a new tab and keep players new bases. Is easy to forget the importance of a good foundation. If I stay with the multitude of cindy – I’m in my head. He could not be better mentor – it’s very encouraging and stimulating both good and bad days. A few cars and a dozen riders who come later to the response I got was a runner from the opposite direction. My thoughts returned to poker – analyze opponents at the table. What you can double opponent? How I can maximize my chips and minimize risk, with each player? The field had spread and it was time to start to focus on the driver in front of me – a woman who came forward with a slightly slower rate of about 50 meters. She could not keep the pace up the hill, and I picked them up fast enough – even for a short stack is strong to the end in the end.
The next driver was a man in a dark gray t-shirt for almost a quarter of a mile before. It’s hard to catch – he has this effort, I wake up envy and we run the same pace.