San Diego on a 4-Day Weekend
Playing Cards on Poker Chips
If you want to travel , but not a lot of vacation time to visit san diego, california, a very nice weekend for four days. They have many different places and the terrain is very varied, unlike houston where I live. Everything here is very shallow, so every time I travel, I see that sort of thing! They have beaches and mountains. In addition, the weather was not too hot for summer travel.
For someone who loves all inclusive vacation, you can visit one of the hotel / casino / spa s “in the region. There are several examples is one hour from the airport. Be a nice room, several restaurants , spa, pool, gambling, golf and an amphitheater. You can do this trip, all of you, if you wish. I needed a little more. I want to rest, but I also like to have our stuff and see.
Well, if you are in tourist areas where you have to pay an admission fee, there are several things. You can use the san diego zoo, wildlife park, sea world and lego land. We chose the zoo and animal park. Has a lot to us. These types of jobs require a lot of walking and a lot of money. Only costs $ 5 for a soda. Course san diego has great beaches. It has to do something cheap, if you want to entertain. There were several free attractions we were enjoying. Some natives of the region with a pow-wow we saw for a while. They had a few amateur surfers was fun to see a dog and even surf contest. We take a small cooler with a couple of drinks we bought at the supermarket and you will find some interesting things! There were a few people swimming, but it was cloudy that day, and he seemed a little too cold to swim. Another thing I enjoy driving when traveling off the beaten track and see through small towns, things on the floor. There was a lot of fruits are grown locally lawyers and sells ostrich eggs. Was very interesting. We learned that ostrich eggs have been eaten for many years, very healthy and an egg is equivalent to two dozen chicken eggs. We spent a few ostrich and emu farms in the that arise. Another interesting place is the orange groves. We were there in june and trees were very green with lots of fresh oranges.
Everyone has their own style of holiday enjoyment. Some prefer to be entertaining, and some prefer to be entertained. San diego has many things for everyone. “Pp>