What Is Randomness?
View of three young people having a drink.
bbc radio 4 program “in our time”, the theme of the opportunity given. In our time the iplayer website link to the program, if you missed it the first time. What about ? Well, this is a truly random event is not deterministic, ie it is not possible, the following results on the above results, determine or not. In fact current processes at random are very important in many areas of mathematics, science and life in general, but in reality the random processes are achieving remarkable apology. Why should it be? Because in theory, there are many processes that have s as random as rolling the dice a little deterministic information. One could, in theory, determine the outcome of the roll of the dice, if their exact position, size, etc know. The greek philosopher and mathematician democritus (460 bc -. Ca 370 bc) was a member of the group known as atomic. This group of elders, the pioneers of this concept, which can be had that the whole issue of stis is divided into basic building blocks of atoms. There was nothing, as democritus said that true randomness. I gave the example of two men at the meeting of a well, looking at both of their meetings have mashed potatoes for some time. I did not know was that the meeting probably took place before their families. This as an analogy to provide deterministic said you can see, there are factors that result, if we can measure or control events, not exactly. Epicure (341 bc – 270 bc) is committed to no, the greek mathematician, at a later date. Although he has no idea what atoms were very small, had, beat them indiscriminately welcomed in the form of gifts. No matter how we understand the laws of motion, always going to be presented for this property is basa atoms randomly.
Worked more on the likelihood of aristotle, but there was a continuous non-mathematician. I separated in all things, a. Certain, probable, and the unknowable, as a result of the onset of articulated bones, early states, as unknowable wrote many as with other areas of mathematics is the subject of chance and probability not europe until the renaissance revived. The player and mathematician girolamo cardano (24 september 1501-21 september 1576) wrote the correct odds to tell a six to start six states with two doubles and a triple with three. I was the first person to realize, or at least record, the fact that they are more likely to be of 7 2 states that are subject to any other number. These revelations were part of a history book for players. Cardano was terribly interested in history, as the game (sometimes I have committed any family history of land ownership in a poor house, and in the struggle) suffered. This book was very historic to say how other players bet and how to stay out of trouble. 17Th century, fermat and pascal worked and developed a theory of probability were more formal in order to assign numbers and probabilities. Pascal developed the concept of expected value, and is famous for use in probabilistic argument, pascal’s wager, to justify their faith in god and his virtuous life. Today this can be complicated tests in a sequence of numbers to determine if the sequence is truly random, or if it is determined by the following formula, where the human, or other. For example, the number 7 se tenth time (more or less a certain allowable error)? Is the number 1 followed by another one tenth of the time? A series of increasingly demanding tests be drawn into the plot. We have the “proof of poker:” what number of tests in groups of five to see if there are two pairs, triples, etc., and compare the frequency of those people with the reasons in a truly random distribution. Chi-square is a favorite of another statistic. A special model has taken place since then, he will give an opportunity and a level of confidence was generated by a random generator. But these tests are perfect. There are deterministic sequences that appear at random (all tests), but are not. For example, the number of irrational number ? Considered as a random sequence, and all tests of randomness, but of course it is not. ? Is a deterministic sequence of numbers – decimal mathematics can calculate, since, given strong enough computers. Another of course, is that the apparently random distribution of prime numbers. The riemann hypothesis offers a way to calculate the distribution of prime numbers, but still not resolved, and it is uncertain if the hypothesis is true for very large values. But as the number of irrational number ?, the distribution of prime numbers does not pass all tests of randomness. Is not deterministic, but unpredictable. Another useful measure of chance is the kolmogorov complexity of statistics, after the russian mathematician of the 20th century century, called by name. Kolmogorov complexity is the shortest possible description of a sequence of numbers, such as the sequence 01010101…. It could easily be described as a “repeat 01″. This is a very brief description, which is certainly not going to happen.
But for a truly random sequence, it would be impossible to describe the simplified sequence of digits in any way. Would the description, provided the same sequence as the sequence appears to be random sample. Last two centuries, scientists, mathematicians, and many other economists began to recognize sequences of random numbers are very important to their work. And if the 19th century, invented methods to generate random numbers were. He said, but may be biased. Walter weldon and his wife spent the months in a mobile kitchen table, all 12 states, more than 26,000 times, but these data were to be deficient because of bias in the states, which seems a shame. The book first published number at random from a book published in 1927 by leonard hc tippet. After many attempts were made, much less perfect. One of the most effective methods are by john von neumann, a pioneer of the method of the mean-square, where a 100 digit number is squared, the mean number of 100 drawn from the results, and use the location of again, and so on. Soon, this process is a series of numbers which passed through all the randomness.
U.s. Presidential election of 1936 had surveys all comments to a close result, with a possible victory of the republican party candidate alf landon. In this case the result was a landslide victory of democrat franklin d. Roosevelt. The research interviewers had chosen the wrong sample. In its efforts to include high technology, he called people to ask them about their voting intentions. Republican voters, largely in the 1930s is much more likely than rich people, have a phone, the survey results, deeply flawed. In the truly random sample surveys of the population is of utmost importance. Similarly is also very important in clinical trials. The choice of a set of subsamples (eg, too many women, too young, etc..) can a drug more or less likely to appear to work, the polarization of the experiment, with potentially dangerous consequences. One is a: people are not very well not to the generation of random numbers and sequences are very good to be there. When tested in dot patterns with two, one particularly bad man is deciding which model is generated randomly. Similarly, when trying to create a random sequence of numbers, not too few people understand this that there are three times more digits in a row, which is a very important element of random sequences. But there’s something really random ? Back to the states at first thought, where “the knowledge of initial conditions necessary approvals, we can predict the outcome, no doubt this is true for any physical process creating a series of numbers.
Well, as far as to eat and atomic physics, quantum mechanics closer to the events that have really unpredictable. It is still impossible to determine exactly when to break the radioactive material. It seems random, but may not easily understand. Today is probably the only way to generate truly random sequences. Ernie generator british government premium bond series, now is the fourth incarnation of sexually transmitted diseases. Should happen to all countries bondholders a premium equal chance to win a prize. Contains a chip to operate the thermal noise, which in itself, ie the amount of lead in the movement of electrons. Government statistical test sequences of numbers it generates, and also have to pass tests of randomness.
Other applications. The first random number in internet transactions are used to encrypt the number of credit card machines in the national lottery use some very light balls and air currents to encourage themselves, but as the cube, which could be expected theory.
Finally, predicts met office, the use of random numbers for forecasts his ensembles is sometimes difficult, the weather due to the “chaos theory” predicts known -. That the final state of the atmosphere depends largely on the initial conditions required by the case. Impossible, the initial conditions fed to measure things such as the required precision, computer models atmospheric scientists have different scenarios, different initial conditions with the slightly upward in each. The result is a series of different climates and a moderator, the percentage of. The opportunity to talk instead certainties see also: in our time td.